[華語 Mandarin] 教材 | 依學生的需求量身訂做 Customised learning materials
(English version is attached in the end)
我跟著講義主題 (例如:招呼語,時間,飲食等),大方向地去準備單字,
- 我叫_____
- 我是台灣人
- 我住在新竹
- 我會說中文和英文
- 請問現在幾點?
- 請問這個多少錢?
- 下次的會議是幾月幾號?
另外準備幾個好用句型,例如:(我)可以.....嗎?/ 可以(幫我)....嗎?
- 我可以看一下(這個)嗎?
- 可以幫我拿一下嗎?
- 可以幫我叫計程車嗎?(這句他每天要說)
- 我要去高鐵站,謝謝。
- 我要買客運票,謝謝。
- 我要一杯拿鐵,謝謝。
當學生出了教室,可以馬上運用所學 - "現學現賣"
他已對學中文充滿興趣和信心 - 這是學生親口和我說的。
The challenge for the teachers with one-to-one classes, is to prepare customised and suitable learning materials for your student.
Since you only have "one" client, the toughest task is to offer what the student need/require in such a short period of time.
My student is a Japanese engineer who's working in a high-tech company in the states. He has two months in Taiwan on a business trip and would like to learn some Mandarin.
Two-hour class per week - The language school prepared a book of handouts for beginners. Apart from the topics in the book, I'd like to add more sentences that the student may use in his daily life. No colourful flashcards, I created the slides with practical conversations as my substitute teaching materials.
Practical? If the students can use these sentences/conversations to communicate right after the class, then we call it practical.
My student is an adult - I lead to learn the sentences first, and highlight new words while learning the sentences.
For debutants, it's easier "to answer" than "to ask" in the beginning (since most time they're asked lots of questions by the locals). For example, doing self-introduction:
- I am (my name is) OOO
- I am Taiwanese
- I live in Hsinchu
- I can speak Mandarin and English
However, the students have to "ask" questions or for help most of the time.
When we teach numbers, dates and time, I let the students practice asking questions:
- What time is it?
- How much is it?
- When is the next meeting/conference?
I also prepare some useful sentences, including "May I please...? / Would you please..?" The students can just change words in the sentence to deal with various situations, for example:
- May I have a look (at this)?
- Could you hold this for me?
- Could you call a taxi for me? (My student needs to say this every day)
With useful responding sentences: I'd like to..., thank you.
- I'd like to go to the high speed rail station.
- I'd to buy coach ticket.
- I'd like to have one latte.
Practicing and repeating the conversations with different useful words, the students would be able to use the sentences outside the classroom - immediately.
When the student succeeded to ask someone to call a taxi for him, and he can talk to the taxi driver with the sentences he learned - He's definitely interested in learning Mandarin in full confidence - said my student in person.
*Next article: How to design the conversations with words combinations.
(English version is attached in the end)
我跟著講義主題 (例如:招呼語,時間,飲食等),大方向地去準備單字,
- 我叫_____
- 我是台灣人
- 我住在新竹
- 我會說中文和英文
- 請問現在幾點?
- 請問這個多少錢?
- 下次的會議是幾月幾號?
另外準備幾個好用句型,例如:(我)可以.....嗎?/ 可以(幫我)....嗎?
- 我可以看一下(這個)嗎?
- 可以幫我拿一下嗎?
- 可以幫我叫計程車嗎?(這句他每天要說)
- 我要去高鐵站,謝謝。
- 我要買客運票,謝謝。
- 我要一杯拿鐵,謝謝。
當學生出了教室,可以馬上運用所學 - "現學現賣"
他已對學中文充滿興趣和信心 - 這是學生親口和我說的。
The challenge for the teachers with one-to-one classes, is to prepare customised and suitable learning materials for your student.
Since you only have "one" client, the toughest task is to offer what the student need/require in such a short period of time.
My student is a Japanese engineer who's working in a high-tech company in the states. He has two months in Taiwan on a business trip and would like to learn some Mandarin.
Two-hour class per week - The language school prepared a book of handouts for beginners. Apart from the topics in the book, I'd like to add more sentences that the student may use in his daily life. No colourful flashcards, I created the slides with practical conversations as my substitute teaching materials.
Practical? If the students can use these sentences/conversations to communicate right after the class, then we call it practical.
My student is an adult - I lead to learn the sentences first, and highlight new words while learning the sentences.
For debutants, it's easier "to answer" than "to ask" in the beginning (since most time they're asked lots of questions by the locals). For example, doing self-introduction:
- I am (my name is) OOO
- I am Taiwanese
- I live in Hsinchu
- I can speak Mandarin and English
However, the students have to "ask" questions or for help most of the time.
When we teach numbers, dates and time, I let the students practice asking questions:
- What time is it?
- How much is it?
- When is the next meeting/conference?
I also prepare some useful sentences, including "May I please...? / Would you please..?" The students can just change words in the sentence to deal with various situations, for example:
- May I have a look (at this)?
- Could you hold this for me?
- Could you call a taxi for me? (My student needs to say this every day)
With useful responding sentences: I'd like to..., thank you.
- I'd like to go to the high speed rail station.
- I'd to buy coach ticket.
- I'd like to have one latte.
Practicing and repeating the conversations with different useful words, the students would be able to use the sentences outside the classroom - immediately.
When the student succeeded to ask someone to call a taxi for him, and he can talk to the taxi driver with the sentences he learned - He's definitely interested in learning Mandarin in full confidence - said my student in person.
*Next article: How to design the conversations with words combinations.
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